My massage therapist gave me a jar of the warm pain relief for my back ache a few years ago. Since then we have gone through gallons of Sombra for backaches, shoulder, hip, ankle, wrist and knee pain. It also works wonders on muscle pain and even got me through nerve pain after surgery. It is simply an incredible product
John Connelly -
I have been using Sombra Warm Pain Relief since 1999 when I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Over the years, I’ve tried countless treatments and remedies, but none have provided the relief and comfort that Sombra does. I consider this my “miracle cream” I can’t live without it. The soothing warmth and effective pain relief have made a significant difference in my daily life, allowing me to manage my condition and maintain a level of activity and comfort that I never thought possible. Sombra has been a constant companion through my journey, and I am incredibly grateful for such an amazing product. Thank you for creating something that has had such a profound impact on my life. Your dedication to quality and care shines through in every application, and I am forever thankful for my miracle cream.
Karen B. Marlboro, New York -
Sombra® Warm Therapy Natural Pain Relieving Gel is amazing! My wife has bought so many different pain creams, patches and products over the years and none have been anywhere near effective for the muscle tension pain I have from stress and poor posture while working at my desk all day. I am a 57 yr old attorney, not an athlete but fit and I work out every other day. I don’t typically write reviews, but this product is spectacular! I rub a little into my shoulders and the strain and pain just dissolve. So nice to have a product that works.
D. Shirk -
Sombra are the natural pain relieving gels that I use in my office. They are made in Albuquerque and I love supporting local! The benefits that Sombra brings to my patients and my family cannot be overstated. It is often difficult to get in to see your pain management doctor or therapist of choice during this pandemic. Sombra offers my patients the pain relief that they need when they need it. Sombra helps with the pain from sprains, strains, tendonitis, and everyday aches and pains. Almost every single one of my patients gets an application every time and they love it as much as I do!
Michael Pridham, DC-APC, NRCME, CKTI
Equilibrium Wellness Center -
After years of searching, your product is the only one that’s actually works on me!
Monica Cook -
I was able to bring the Sombra with me recently on a trip to Italy. I walked all over and it was such a relief on my feet and knees at night! Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels made Italy quite more enjoyable for my old joints!
T. Marchetti -
I came across your product as I was searching for a remedy for my sore knee. I play basketball twice a week and the last couple weeks my knee has been flaring up. I needed something for the soreness—and the Sombra Cool Therapy gel has been a lifesaver–so thank you for that!
Mike Kline -
I was introduced to the Sombra warming cream in a jar and it worked wonders on my back muscles and helped me walk again after a really bad sciatica inflammation. I was disabled for 6 months cannot move an inch. Your Sombra warming gel helped me a lot. I’ve been going back to the facility where I got the sample and started buying me a couple of jars. I’m 66 years old
Leonora Baytan -
I am 53 and I have aches and pains in different area of my body but most predominantly on my knees. My husband was having to rub some type of gel on them every 1 to 3 days for a few years now. We tried different rubs but would only work for a short time. Then someone told me about Sombra. I ordered the Sombra warm therapy. Now I go a week, sometimes 2 weeks or longer before my knees are hurting again. Thank you for a wonderful product!
Stacie LeBlanc -
Hi I have been buying Sombra warm therapy for about 7 months now. I was diagnosed with cancer last year and due to the chemo I have massive leg pain and this cream is the only one that works.
Jennifer Alguino -
I just went on a 20 mile hike this weekend with a group of friends. I remembered I had a jar of pain reliever so I packed that for the hike. My friends and I applied the Sombra WARM therapy every night after our long hikes and it saved all of us. When I looked at the jar I realized it was over 10 years old and I was amazed that it still worked wonders! It saved all of us and we’re grateful for Sombra!
Carolyn Hunter -
About 4 years ago, I was given a jar of the SOMBRA Warm Therapy from my chiropractor for use on my feet. Although it did not eradicate the pain I have experienced for 30 years, it lessened the discomfort. I was sold. SOMBRA is a great product!
Jim Holland -
Sombra really works for mild chronic pain, my neck gets better faster then any other topical or OTC anti inflammatory. The fact it’s so natural and non-reactive and side effect free makes it one of my few stand by products
Grant Bloomquist -
I love this product. Used it back in the early 90’s for Massage Therapy. I need it now for senior injuries from car accident…my Physical Therapist used the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel on me today and brought memories of healing…asante in advance…peace
Regina T Lawson -
I have a horrible cough and I applied the Sombra COOL therapy to my chest last night. This stuff is amazing. I can breathe better and my cough has minimized. I love it!
Nick Orciudi -
Thank you so much for the SOMBRA product. It is absolutely amazing. It helps my pain immensely. I probably go though about two or three jars a month! Thank you Jess!
Jessica Hughes -
I love Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel and recommend it all the time! Thanks for such a wonderful product!
Rob Roberts -
I wanted to say thank you for your WONDERFUL product, Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel, has been a life saver for me! I was in two car accidents only five months apart from one another and my back and neck are in pretty bad shape. There are nights when the only thing that stops the pain is the Sombra gel! I tell EVERYONE that I can who suffers from any type of muscle and or joint pain to try it.
Sabrina Hechinger -
I recently used the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel when I had muscle soreness in my lower back and my knees. My grandmother gave me some of her Sombra gel and I started feeling better immediately!
Annie Sanders -
I’m a certified personal trainer and massage therapist based in San Diego California. My clients and I love the Sombra Cool Therapy external analgesic and experience great benefit from its application.
Primo Julian -
I found a new use for the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels. I got into some red bugs this week and had no relief from the itching so i tried the Sombra COOL therapy and the cooling effect did the trick
John Woythaler -
I purchased the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel because I have a bad neck and a sore knee all the time. Anyhow, my horse got kicked very bad and his back knee was the size of a grapefruit. The vet said the other horse bruised the bone. He was on prescription rub for four days and it wasn’t doing anything but making his legs crazy (the whole burning feeling like icy hot does). So I had this wild idea to try my Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel on him. Well his leg cleared up within 3 days. He also stopped fussing when the Sombra was applied because there was no burning, not to mention the smell did wonders for his social life. Sombra is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! I will tell everyone about this product.
Stacie Oliver -
I cannot wait another day to give you a testimonial. I purchased the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel about 2 years ago and it was just sitting in my closet. My mom never complains but I know since her back surgery she was having trouble with her legs and back. I took the Sombra jar with me to West Virginia when I went to visit my mom and dad and was intending to use it on my dad’s leg. My mom used it first and her pain stopped immediately! It has completely taken her pain away and she just LOVES the Sombra gel. She then gave it to her sister who has gout and a couple of other pains, most of the day my aunt just laid in bed. Now that she’s using Sombra she is moving around and the pain is not so intense. The Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel is GREAT!
Wanda Outlaw -
My first experience with the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel was a year ago when I injured my disc. The Chiropractor had me use the Sombra gel in between sessions for the pain. I have yet to find another product that can ease the pain as effectively as yours does. It also really helps with my arthritis.
Mrs. Helen Ozga -
I have joint pain from arthritis and the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel is very good and gives instant relief.
Ida Miller -
Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel does amazing things. Had a friend who saw it help a nasty bout of tissue damage in a guy who got gored by a bull. Obviously, he didn’t put it in the gored region, but the patient used it regularly for all the surrounding tissue. Doc’s said he’d never walk normal again…but he did. So pull out that Sombra!
Texas Gal -
G’Day from Australia! Last week I was at a gathering of folk including a group of American tourists. I was telling one of them about a chronic back pain that has been cursing me for some months. The person I was talking to (from Idaho) went to his hotel room and came back with a tub of Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel which he rubbed onto my back, within 4-5 minutes all pain had gone and didn’t return for 5-6 days. This Sombra gel is absolutely fantastic!!
Barry Johnson -
As a massage therapist I am a big fan of your Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels for many years. My clients love them! I leave a jar of the Sombra WARM therapy open at night when my asthma is bad and it prevents attacks during the night. No need for asthma inhaler it’s been two years since I’ve had used one thanks to Sombra! Mahalo
Leslie Koehler, RMT -
I have had RA for a number of years now. A week ago I was in excruciating pain in my legs, arms, wrist and feet. No matter what medications I took, this was the first time that I could get no relief. I told my daughter — who incidentally had an auto accident in the early part of 2002, that I was going to lie down. She began to tell me about the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel, which she received from her Chiropractor. Well since I have–I thought, tried everything on the market at one time or the other, I told her that it was no use and I didn’t want to use another cream that burned, stunk, or caused pain as soon as you put clothing or other cloth on to cover the skin. She assured me that Sombra was different. With some apprehension, I told her to bring it on. I went to the bedroom to try it and then lie down, but I began to feel the relief the moment I started to rub it into my palms. This peaked my interest so I tried it on the backs of my hands, and yes, there appeared to be instant relief. So I tried it on my feet with the same results. I figured why not try it on my arms and legs. After applying the Sombra Natural Pain Relieivng Gel extremities, I put my pants back on and had no adverse reaction. Yes, you can guess. I went into the living room where the rest of the family was and began to praise the Lord for the relief. My daughter said, “I thought you were supposed to be getting some rest.” I told her, “I could dance a jig right now.” She knew that I wanted to watch a special program on the big screen and they had decided that since I was going to rest, they would change the channel. Now, this Sombra gel she insisted I try had spoiled their evening. Their evening may have been spoiled, but thanks to to your Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel, mine wasn’t.
Anthony Thomas -
I had someone suggest the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel and have been using it for about a week now. It has made remarkable difference. Although, there is still pain, I can open jars without the intense pain from sideways-action pressure on the joint – as well as, less pain while driving/wrapping hands around the steering wheel. Gotta say that I’m sure impressed and completely surprised with the Sombra gel. Without my friends suggestion it would not have crossed my mind to use it. Many thanks for a great product!
This Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel is great for my soar shoulders and neck. Also good for Arthritis. Puts out more heat than a heating pad and smells very nice.
Barbara Schreiner -
I love the warm Sombra therapy gel for my patients and also myself.
Peggy Huetig -
I started using the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel because my father recommended it. He had rotator cuff surgurey a couple of years ago and the physical therapist used the Sombra to massage his shoulder. He and my mom swear by its power to heal. I tried the Sombra on a bad elbow of mine and it helps. My kids use it for sore muscles after ball games and practice. It does wonders for headaches. Just rub the Sombra gel on your forehead or neck and within 15 minutes the pain is gone!
Kimbra Huskie -
I actually came to find out about Sombra when I hurt my shoulder (rotator cuff) and had to go see a Chiropractor. He used the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel on my shoulder after treatment and it made a WORLD of difference! He gave me a 4 oz. jar of Sombra to use at home, and ever since then, I use it whenever I get pain in my arm.
Eric Portenier -
My father-in-law is suffering from severe arthritis and a damaged knee-cap which will require surgery in the next 2 weeks. He’s 67 years old and everything aches. My mother-in-law also has her share of aches and pains and used the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels as well. Thanks for making such a great product that actually works and has no odor and is not greasy.
Lori Kruppenbacher -
I LOVE Sombra! Our family was introduced to this product by a chiropractor 9 years ago. We have been amazed on how extremely well it works for aches and pains. We always keep a jar, and use it when the need arises. As we are getting older, the need is arising more often lol. The product is incredibly reliable for pain relief. We have tried prescription topical pain relief medications in the past, and they aren’t effective. SOMBRA IS EFFECTIVE! Love this product, please continue to sell it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Tana Carter -
I got introduced to the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels through my physical therapist. I must say that you guys have a pot of gold on your hands. I’ve never felt the sensation of hot and cold together at the same time. I practically begged her for a sample of your great product. Thank God for Sombra and keep up the great work! You’ll be hearing from me in the coming months as I go around spreading the word about a true GREAT product. Thanks again.
Jeffrey Davis -
I am grateful for the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels. I have bursitis and tendonitis in my right shoulder and in my wrists. I also have arthritis in my knees and I have found that your Sombra gel has been a God send for my pain. I discovered it when my ex-brother-in-law purchased it from his doctor and I was hurting one night at my sister’s house and they let me try it. It’s fantastic!
Sherry R. Doyle -
I just wanted to say, the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels work. Two years ago I was injured while at work (law enforcement) lifting a gate. I had torn the tendon from my right arms muscle. I needed surgery and afterwards I was sent to physcial therapy. While inside the shop, after my treatment, they would rub the Sombra on my arm, it made my arm feel better. Because it helped with my arm I bought several jars for family, friends and myself and it works wonders on my sore lower back and neck pain. Again because of my professional I tend not to believe everyone and when I was told about your product I wasn’t a believer. Well I was showed up it worked and now I need more of the Sombra gel. Thank you!
none -
I have severe carpal tunnel syndrome. I’ve used some of the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel last night and I slept all night for the very first time in months. Thank you for your great product.
Jeniece Simon -
I am a massage therapist and have been using the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels on myself and my patients. I recently ordered some for the retirement home that I am working at and all my patients including all the nurses love the results they are getting. They also love the smell it is so fresh and appealing. I have recommended it to my other patients and it has been very helpful in treating the muscle aches of this latest flu that is going around. Thank you very much for the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels and the efffectiveness that they have.
Kay Smith -
I was introduced to the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels by my daughter visiting at Thanksgiving. She bought the Sombra from her Chiropractor. She suggested I try it because I was having pain in my neck radiating to my right arm. I was quite skeptical about using it because I didn’t believe that a product would work so fast. Anyway, I applied the Sombra gel and with 5 minutes my neck and arm quit hurting. I let some co-workers try it and they also bought some. My other daughter has rheumatoid arthritis and she says that the Sombra has really helped her too. I used it last night because my neck and right arm were hurting for the last 4 days. I finally applied the Sombra last night and I was finally able to sleep without tossing and turning. I like that the Sombra is natural and does not have a strong odor once it dries. As far as I am concerned, I will never use any other analgesic except for the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels.
Anne-Marie Rutledge -
I am a patient at a clinic in Houston, Texas. I was introduced to the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels at the clinic. Since then I have used Sombra daily. This product is and has been a great help to me in my healing process. I have learned that when the Sombra is applied to both sides of my neck it also helps to greatly reduce some headaches. I felt that such a great product should be commended. I have used the Sombra for over 26 months with great success and will continue using the Sombra with my daily treatment. My sincere appreciation goes out to Sombra.
Dennis Martin -
Thank you very much for your generous sample of your Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels for us to try. We have been using it regularly on our patients…AND OUR STAFF!! Everybody loves it! We are going through it fast (we all fight over who gets to use the Sombra jar).
Lisa Jordan -
My Chiropractor introduced me to the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels. It works for me so well I don’t want to use anything else.
Tom Farrell -
I have been using the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels for several years for heel pain and shoulder pain. I have found nothing on the market that has ever worked as well as Sombra. It doesn’t leave an odor everywher you go. Thanks again for such a wonderful product.
Mary -
I am 93 years old and I am writing you about your Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels which is not my custom. I have found amazing relief for my joints and muscles. I wanted you to know how grateful I am for such a wonderful product. It is the only relief I have had in many years.
Eleanore Johns -
As a Master Maine guide I was guiding a group of deer unters from up state New York last fall. One day during the week I pulled a muscle in the calf of my leg not bad but enough so that it was bothersome. One of my clients suggested the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel, as he had found that it was the ony thing that worked after several operations on his leg. He let me use it and it worked great. As they left at the end of the week he gave me half of his Sombra jar. I have been using it and it also helps with the arthritis in my hands. Thanks again for a good product!
Peter McPheters -
This stuff is absolutely wonderful! I get crippling migraines – sometimes twice a week. I’m on various prescription meds for the migraines. But the only thing that helps me the most is your Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel. I rub it on my neck and forehead and I feel better almost immediately! I am truly grateful for your product. Thank you so much!
Kathy -
I was introduced to using Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels several years ago through the physical therapy office I used to go to after my car accident. I had severe neck, should, and back strain/pain. I have used Sombra ever since then because it works unlike any other. I refuse to use anything else. I have also purchased it for family and friends and all have said they would never use anything else again.
Cherie Blackwell -
I just wanted to tell you how wonderful I think the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel is. My chiropractor uses I on me before an adjustment and it really helps with the pain. I go see her once a week for adjustments. I purchased the Sombra from her and I use it at home when I need to. It works great on sore muscles after a workout and I also like that it is natural and smells good. Thanks again!
Chrissy -
Our son came home the United States with a jar of the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel Warm therapy. He received treatment after a ski holiday. This weekend he visited from London and brought it for his father to try. His father has been suffering since February with terrible back pain. The Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel is miraculous, it eased his pain within hours!! Something with doctors and physicians have been unable to do.
Helen Amadeo -
While visiting my sister in Maui last summer, she bought me a 10 minute massage at the open market. I was having severe back and leg pain that were so intense I could only walk a few feet before needing to stop, sit, or press my back against a wall. The massage therapist used the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel. The gel eased the pain more than any over-the-counter ointment had before. My sister then purchased my first jar of Sombra. As time went on, the Sombra gel worked better and better. My back and legs are much between therapy and the Sombra gel. Unfortunately, I developed severe arthritis in my shoulders and upper arm (side effects of some prescription medication I was taking). I am still using the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel at night and in the morning. It helps a lot. Plus, if I don’t use it before my therapy I can’t move my arms very well. Your Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel has been solely responsible for my being able to funtion more normally. Thank you!
Elena JP Marts -
About 6 years agon I had an accident and I was in a lot of pain. My Chiropractor had received a sample jar of the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel. Since he referred to me as his “patient from hell” he gave me the jar of Sombra and told me that if anyone would benefit from this it would be me. I took the Sombra home and tried it and I was just amazed at how wonderful the product was. I told my Chiropractor how much it had done for me and ever since than he carries it in his office and sells it to patients. I have many relatives with arthritis and other aches and pains and I have sent all of them a jar of Sombra. I tell you this has been the best product put on the market. One of the benefits that everyone likes is that it is greaseless and it does not stain. I do not know what I would do if I could not find the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels. Thanks for helping me live a MUCH better semi-pain free life.
Carmen Rodriguez -
I am a physician often writing prescriptions for sombra, and I only heard of your Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels at my current clinic. The dispensary at our clinic, Round Valley Indian Health Center in Covelo CA, dispenses various products to our patients for osteoarthritic pain, muscle sprains/strains, sports injuries, etc. It has been a great add-on-therapy to NSAIDS, and has prevented me from having to prescribe narcotic pain relievers. I am the physician at the clinic and am often writing prescriptions for Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels.
Dr. Snehal Raisoni -
Thank you so much for sending me a trial sample of your Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel. I have tried it on various patients and the response has been very positive. I myself am impressed with the soothing feeling after having the gel massaged into tired achy muscles. I especially like that the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels are not greasy. When you see many patients in one day, the last thing you need is a smelly, greasy gel that doesn’t wash off easily. I’m glad someone has finally come up with an herbal formula that actually works. I would like to say thank you for a really great product!
Awilda Santiago, DC -
I have suffered from pain in my hands and joints for over 30 years and nothing works. WOW but now I have the Sombra pain reliever that works. Thank you so much! I do wish more doctors know about Sombra.
Diane Parkridge -
Two years ago, I had a back and neck problems. My doc at that time gave me some Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel. Since then I have been using Sombra for anything from migraines to muscle aches.
Cherbear -
I wanted to just say thank you for your terrific product. The other day I was playing hockey and was struck by a hockey puck on my ankle and lost feeling to my whole foot for a few minutes. Later that night the pain got worse and I was contemplating going to the emergency room, and instead I applied some of the Sombra gel that I have used before for muscle pain. I woke up the next morning and almost all the pain was gone, I never would of thought the pain would have been relieved so quick. So thank you for you great Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel.
John Bandl -
I am an avid yoga lover and with that sometimes I encounter soreness here and there. I also suffer from chronic sinusitis, besides accupuncture Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel is the only one that alleviates not only my sinus, but any kind of headache I may have. I thank you for creating such a great product.
Helena -
What a great product. Since being involved in a motor vehicle accident over three years ago I suffer from debilitating back, knee and neck pain. Sombra gives relief with it’s unique slow warming effect. It is so much better than other gels I have used and the relief is longer lasting. I would recommend Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel – Warm therapy to anyone who suffers from severe pain. My physiotherapist is also using Sombra on all her clients.
Jack -
I was first introduced to Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels at a local hospital. My physical therapist said it was excellent for aches and pains and that the hospital used it all the time. I had tried other creams for pain–nothing comes close to SOMBRA!
Sandy -
I purchased your Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel warm therapy from from my Chiropractor in Washington state. I have been using it for the arthritis in my knees instead of taking pills and it works great! I have also used Sombra on my lower back and shoulders after doing yard work, what a difference the next morning is for me. It’s nice to have a product you can put on your aches and still be able to leave the house and go somewhere and not worry that people are going to run away from you because of the smell.
Karen Pearson -
Just a note to thank you for your Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel. I used this product 15 years ago and remembered how great it was so I bought it for my 97 year old grandmother a few months ago and at first she wasn’t interested but on her own she tried it and thanked me telling me it made her leg gel so much better. She used it for the last two months of her life and yesterday I looked at the jar and it was almost empty!…this product made the last few months, days and moments of her life more comfortable and I am grateful for that….
Debbie Levin -
I am the athletic trainer who works with our Women’s Basketball team. This past weekend at the West Coast Conference Tournament, Stephanie, the athletic trainer at the University of San Francisco gave me sample of the Sombra warm therapy natural pain relieving gel. When I used it on our players, they loved it. We won the conference championship and are headed to the NCAA tournament. I’d like to think your product helped the player I tried it on make it through 2 back-to-back games!
Rachel Geoghegan, MHRD, AT/L, ATC -
I suffer with back muscle spasms and Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel is the only product I have found that really gives me any relief.
Barbara Raugh -
I used Biofreeze until I was introduced to the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels at the NMCA convention in May 2012. I am a Chiropractor physician practicing in Albquerque, New Mexico and I love using the Sombra products on my patients for many reasons: 1) Sombra products utilize native New Mexico plants, including capsaicin which is derived from our Chile. 2) Sombra is cruelty/animal free, 3) patients LOVE the non-toxic scent and 4) they give a choice of cool therapy for acute conditions or warm therapy for chronic conditions. If you value a more herbal/natural counter-irritant, make the switch like I did!
Dr. Randy L. Blair, DC -
I have a phsical therapy background and was taught Biofreeze was the way to go. I have since changed my stance through personal experience and now only carry Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels
TerryLee Nickle -
Thank you for the Sombra Cool and Warm therapies, I absolutely love them! And so do my clients. I love the tubes they are much more sanitary and easeir for travel.
Kristine Skorseth -
Without a doubt this is the greatest pain cure I have ever used. I’m 77 years young and I have used a lot of back & leg rub, but nothing touches Sombra. Who ever came up with the Sombra is a miracle worker, I start with the middle of my spine to my right hip down to my ankle when I get there my pain is gone you just can’t beat Sombra.
Laura Johnson -
I love the Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gels! Both the warm and cool therapy smell nice, feel soft and smooth on the skin, soak in quickly, do not stain. They last a very long time…hours for some people. I suggest it to all our injury rehabilitation patients.
Tenille O'Connor -
I bought this jar of Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel warm therapy 4oz. While on vacation. The lady gave me a sample and it really worked. I also bough a roll-on of Biofreeze which did not work as good as Sombra.
Debbie Peterson -
I’m interested in purchasing another one of the Sombra WARM therapy Natural Pain Relieving Gels. It’s the only thing that helps with the pain in my back and hips. This stuff is AMAZING!!! I’m almost out of this wonderful product where can I purchase it?
Christine Caligiure