Sombra Wellness Products is pleased to announce the launch of Sombra CARES, our philanthropic community engagement program.
Sombra® Wellness Products were created out of care. Our company has extended that care to the people we serve and the quality of their lives ever since our founding. From ingredients to powerful results, we truly do take pride in what goes into our products and what you get out of them—and we’re proud to continue this initiative with the launch of Sombra® CARES.
Sombra® CARES is a philanthropic and community engagement program dedicated to caring for underserved populations. Like our CARES acronym—community, assistance, relationships, education, and sustainability—our initiatives will focus on serving individuals and families within these communities, providing them with the information, resources, and support they need to lead better, healthier, and more sustainable lives. To achieve the Sombra® CARES mission, we partner with our internal Sombra® Green Team and other organizations too.
So when you choose Sombra® Wellness Products, you’re not only enhancing your life, but the lives of others. Sombra® thanks you for your support, and encourages you to show a little CARE today.
Sombra® Cares
Our #Sombra4NM Team in Action!
We are proud to announce that our #Sombra4NM team has successfully dropped off over 250 Sombra Antibacterial Hand Soaps and over 600 Sombra Alcohol-Free Hand Sanitizers. In total, we contributed over $10,000 worth of Sombra Wellness Products to the University of New Mexico's drive for the #RuidosoNewMexico #SaltFire and #SouthForkFire relief efforts.
As a dedicated New Mexico manufacturer, we are deeply committed to giving back to our community, especially during these challenging times. We want our fellow New Mexicans to know that we stand with you.
Thank you for supporting us as we continue to support our community. Together, we are stronger.
#sombracares #sorenomore

We're thrilled to announce that Sombra Wellness Products has donated over $700 worth of Sombra PLUS Pain Relief products to Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless.
At Sombra, we believe in giving back to our community and supporting those in need. It's our mission to provide relief and comfort to those facing challenges, and we're honored to contribute to such a worthy cause.
Together, we can make a difference! Thank you to Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless for all the incredible work you do. Let's continue spreading kindness and care.
#communitysupport #givingback #healthcareforall #Sombracares #Sombra4NM
Join us in supporting AHCH's vision: To live in a world that is just and without homelessness.
#endhomelessness #communityvision #abqhch

We want to say THANK YOU to all the firefighters for your tireless, relentless hard work in suppressing these fires throughout our state.
#Sombra4NM has donated $16,464.00 in Sombra® Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer to the New Mexico Fire Relief Food & Supply Drive.
We went out to Tome Elementary and donated $5821.20 in Sombra® Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer for their school.
A few of our Sombra® staff members went out to Tome Elementary & Albuquerque's School on Wheels during "teacher appreciation week" and handed out our Sombra® Hand Care Kits to their staff. A huge thank you to all teachers & educational staff members for all that they do for our students & communities.